
Christina M. Ramos


A left-handed, right-brained, visually-inspired photographer from Texas.

Christina Ramos lives in Spring, TX, with her husband Armando. She is a driven supervisor by day, and focused photographer/entrepreneur by night. Inspired by nature and all the Earth has to offer, Christina can bring to life even the tiniest subjects we often overlook in our day to day lives.

Having begun her photography passion at a younger age, Christina first trained with a 35mm classic Nikon N65. During the last few years of high school, not only did she learn the artistic fundamentals of composition, but also gained the knowledge and ability to process 35mm film and print images in a dark room. Christina’s entire physical portfolio consists of black and white dark-room printed images, mixed-media artwork with photos, and other minimally altered prints.

Having fallen in love with Nikon optics, Christina upgraded to a Nikon N5600 when she decided to jump back in to her old past-time. This time…in the digital age. Oh how things have changed! The ability to alter digital media with today’s technology allows for extra imagination in imagery when desired.

Take a journey through macro views…inspire imagination through abstract images…or simply admire the beauty our Earth offers with Christina M Ramos Photography.